20th May 2020 | Advice for Landlords,Advice for Tenants,Local Guides & News,Market News

We are Open!

Stuart and Partners are continually monitoring the corona virus (COVID-19) situation and are following Government advice to ensure the safety of our customers and our staff. Therefore, in response to the latest guidance and advice, we have implemented the following steps to protect the well being of our customers and staff as follows:

• Visitor numbers have been reduced to a maximum of two at any one time
• Designated area for collection and drop of keys and documents
• Hand sanitiser and cleaning facilities available
• Increased level of cleaning throughout both offices
• Clear markings to ensure a 2 metre distance is maintained at all times
• Timed appointments arranged where possible

If you have any concerns or wish to discuss the above in more detail then please do call us on 01444 414931 or 01273 841482.